I recently read an article on the web which stated that more than half of female workers have already left or are seriously considering escaping conventional 9-to-5 working in a bid to invent their own working patterns, according to a report. This survey was conducted by Hudson HR Consultancy of UK where more than 1,000 UK employees and 500 employers have found that the majority (84 per cent) of professional women believe the 9-to-5 routine is being spurned by their gender! They are instead preferring to follow a career path offering flexibility and professional autonomy rather than fit in with the demands of the corporate world and this includes planning to set up their own businesses, retrain, work flexibly or pursue a "portfolio" career.
Who knows whats in store for these lovely ladies..? Maybe, we could have more of Anita Roddicks, Audrey Baxters, Meg Whitmans et al...
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