Produced by Suntop Media in association with the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), the Thinkers 50 2005 provides a new ranking list. Top-5 thinkers are ....1) Michael Porter, 2) Bill Gates, 3) C.K.Prahalad, 4) Tom Peters and 5) Jack Welch. Other Notable Thinkers include Jim Collins (6), Philip Kotler (7), Henry Mintzberg (8), Gary Hamel (14), Stephen Covey (18), Rosabeth Moss Kanter (19), Robert Kaplan & David Norton (22) to name a few. Four notable Indian thinkers who appear in the list are C.K.Prahalad (3), Ram Charan (24), Vijay Govindrajan (30) and Rakesh Khurana (33). Kudos to all u guys for making India proud!
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